Wednesday, April 8, 2009

She Turned 3!

We had a little party for the girl on her birthday. It was a lot of fun and I think we all enjoyed it.

This is a long video. The girl led her own Happy Birthday song because she just couldn't wait to get to the cake. If you watch the entire video and wonder if baby ever got cake, he did. That last slice that I cut at the very end of the video went to him. Poor second child.

More cake

Gifts. I don't usually like opening gifts at parties. I consider what people get for the guest of honor private. However, the three year olds kept talking about what they got the bday girl for her birthday and they were all pretty excited. Since it was a small group, we opened gifts that our guests brought. It was very sweet and fun. Later on, we opened gifts that came in the mail from family members.

One more gift video

So there, my little baby girl is 3 years old. Thank you for being our village and we are looking forward to building an even bigger village.

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