Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Visit

It's always great when friends come to visit us. I work very hard to convince everyone I know to move here so we'd have more family and friends around. I also enjoy seeing Kira getting to know our friends and remembering them after long periods of time. Our friend, Damon, came to visit in March and Kira had a great time then. He was back this past weekend and Kira still remembers him and she had a blast! She is very fascinated by Damon. Oh... other than Brett, Damon is the only other person who reads Fox in Socks to Kira. I don't even try to read that story. It twists your tongue like no other children's story.

One of the things we did during Damon's stay was to visit the Farmer's Market. I saw this mushroom farm at one of the booths. These things are mushrooming all over the place (ha ha). They look kind of neat. I think I want one... but I am not sure.

It was gray in the morning but got quite nice by noon. Kira had a good time chasing birds.

Another thing we did was to go to Vik's. It is simply the best Indian food in California. Words can't describe it. Try it out for yourself. Pictured here are little puris and the mother of all puris.

Kira wants to be just like Damon. So she tried on Damon's bandanna. I think she needs one of her own now.

One of the highlights of Damon's visit, for Kira, was of course reading time.

"Thank you for reading to me all night, every night, Damon."

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