Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkins Galore!

I took the kids to a local pumpkin patch today. The weather was gorgeous and we had a lot of fun.

"So many to choose from..."

"What about this one?"

"Look, baby."

"Em.... this one does look funny."

"I think I want this one!"

"I am a dainty little girl, so I want this little one."

"I found a whole bunch more."

"Are you mocking me? Are you saying I am bald and I look like a pumpkin myself? Just you wait, I am going to put you in my mouth and slim all over you."

Don't they make a cute couple? They went on the tracker ride while the baby did something else... something way more... dirty.

I know little boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails but no one ever told me they are made of dirt! Baby had a very serious look on his face the whole time we were at the pumpkin patch. It wasn't until he was COMPLETELY covered in dirt that I got a smile on his face. What that about?? Seriously, enlarge these pictures and look at the dirt.

Why does he like digging so much? Later, I found sand, rocks, twigs and leaves in his diaper. He is wearing a overall that doesn't have an opening on the crotch. How did he do that????

I kept trying to take a picture of the two kids together. Finally, this picture is a result of me saying, "Kira, hug your brother or we are leaving right now."

Finally, here is a video of Kira taunting the ghosts. After we left the pumpkin patch, I asked Kira what she thought and all she said was, "I love my Dylan (her partner in crime) and I love ghosts."

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