Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I've had a couple of bad days with whiny children so I really appreciated this afternoon. This is what all my afternoons should be like. Notice at the end of the video how Hayden reached out to grab the giraffe toy. That was such a milestone when Kira did it - we were crazy excited. I guess with two kids and so much going on, I don't notice the little things so much. I don't know how long Hayden's been doing that but I sure was proud of him when I finally noticed it.

And then this evening, Brett tried to give baby a bottle. What a tender moment! Hayden has been an incredibly good baby. He deserves some special daddy-baby time.

Finally, a short version of that special baby-daddy time. Look at how relaxed they both were. Near the end of the video, the sunset casted this perfect light over baby's head. If that's not the image of an angel, I don't know what is.

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